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Condom is on the edge of the French Département du Gers, which is the least inhabited of the 100+ departments in the whole of France. The area surrounding Condom is comprised of a myriad of small villages> and hameau>, including many bastides(fortified hill-top towns of old).
In the summer months, between June and September, the region is alive with a multitude of fetes, music festivals, markets, theatre and brocante fairs. The Gers countryside is dotted with Domains producing excellent Armignac, reds, whites and rosé. Restaurants specalise in duck and chicken dishes.
As Condom is on the 'Camino' (or Route de Compestella) pilgrimage trail, the area hosts a string of interesting cathederals, small eglise and charming remote chapelle.

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Southernmost region of metropolitan France, excluding Corsica, Occitane encompasses Condom - just! Le Bousquet lays only 1km within it's northern border. This diverse region has it's roots in antiquity and shows the influence of Phonecian, Greek, Moorish and Roman civilisations.
Today, one can glimpse it's life through current news stories from it's English news journal.

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